I Know Better Than to Worry, But I Can't Seem to Stop
First, a quick update... - My mom had more tests... but they were inconclusive. Because of her other health issues and the medication she has to take, she's not a typical patient. Her records are being sent to a top-level specialist at the university hospital in the city near where I live. Right now it looks like she won't need surgery, but we still don't know what's causing the episodes, so we can't prevent them from happening. - My daughter had more tests... but they were inconclusive. She has now been to her primary doctor, the ER, and an orthopedic spine surgeon. She is now going to a physical therapist who has a pretty rare certification that specializes in diagnosing and treating this type of injury. She's been to the therapist twice now but because of her having fibromyalgia and dysautonomia, she's not a typical client (deja vu?) and it's taking longer to figure it out. Again, right now it looks like she won't need surgery, but it w...