
Showing posts from February, 2020

Choices... A Love Story

This blog is so serious and often very depressing. I tend to vent about all that is wrong in my life and sometimes forget that there's a lot good there too. So, though late because I've been very busy and somewhat sick, in honor of what Valentine's Day really means (not what Hallmark/the chocolate companies/the flower shops try to make it into), I present my personal love story... They met online. Each had been involved in a long-term relationship that ended. They both realized, once distanced from these relationships, that they had been toxic. Each was an amazing person who had a lot to offer a partner but had been beaten down by the ones they chose. Photography brought them together as it was highlighted on each of their dating site profiles. It also almost brought them apart after one asked the other… “Canon or Nikon?” and the answer was wrong. She was Nikon; he was Canon. It was so sad. They would never be able to share lenses or even speak the same language ...

Tired - So... Very... Tired...

I'm tired... Exhausted... Fatigued... Drained... Consumed... Spent... Empty... Wasted... Pooped... Worn out... Done for... Run-down... Finished... You get the idea. Everyone close to me (including myself) has a chronic condition and/or illness: - My mom has a laundry list of conditions but right now, she has been having fainting spells?/seizures?/something like that. She already has had several falls in the past few years, with many of them requiring at least an ER visit and sometimes a hospital stay. But the thing is, they can't find out what's wrong so they can't treat it. - My dad has heart and blood pressure issues and is a diabetic. He has had a sore on his foot since last summer and it looks like there infection in the bone. Most likely he will need surgery but they are getting a second opinion. Until then he's supposed to try to stay off his foot but the lack of movement makes his diabetes worse. It's pretty much uncontrolled and he n...

Awareness About Those Who Are Really Overweight

Weight problems are a huge issue in the US and even worldwide. We have access to food too easily and we often don't have to walk to commute in many areas of the country or work a physical job all day. Add to this, medications we take can add weight and it has nothing to do with overeating. This also applies to anyone who has issues with not being a typical size - too tall, too short, too thin, physical differences... The world is made for the average person, as it should be. But when someone who is different has to live in a world built for the average, it can be an issue. So this letter is: To everyone who is of a typical size: It is somewhat of a compliment when you treat me like everyone else. I appreciate it when you look at someone my size and not automatically think that I need every accommodation in the book. But on the flip side, there is so much I wish you knew. 1 - If you are a hostess and there's someone really large in the party, even if they don't a...