Pain that Interferes with Everyday Life
I haven't had a day without pain in so long that I can't remember it... My guess being at least a decade, probably more. Since I was young, I was very sensitive. You probably thought when you saw the word "sensitive," you thought I meant emotionally. Actually, you were right. I was incredibly sensitive emotionally. But what I'm talking about here is that I was sensitive to sound, texture, temperature - and, the reason for this post, pain. However, it's difficult for me to express that I'm hurting. When I do tell others that I'm in pain, it's always accompanied by an apology (because my pain causes limitations that cause problems with being able to "go and do" as I'd like and usually my pain is also limiting the person I'm with.) To the best of my memory, I was told or it was implied from what was said, that I needed to get over any pain I had, with sickness being an exception. I don't know how much that attitude in my fami...