What Can Churches Do about the Chasm between the "Haves" and "Have-Nots"?
This morning I was reminded about a women's retreat that happened last fall. I meant to post about it then, but just realized I never did. This retreat raised a question I've thought about for years. It's a universal question, not only about the church, but I feel those of faith should do a better job with it than those outside of it. Spoiler alert - I don't have the answer. No one I've ever talked to about it has the answer. I do know this at least... it's something that's decided on a case-by-case basis. Unfortunately the decision is often in favor of the "haves" (and I'm a have-not 😔). Let me tell you more about the retreat. Our church had been planning it for months, so when the following occurred, it wasn't a surprise. However, I thought I had a shoot that weekend so when they would talk about it during the Sunday morning service, I tuned out. I couldn't go so the details didn't matter. (To be honest, in some ways I was glad I...